Continuing the growth of its global distribution network, Syrinix announces expansion into South Africa and Turkey, welcoming two new partners that specialize in water loss management: WRP Consulting Engineers and TEKSU.

The award-winning PIPEMINDER-ONE water and wastewater monitoring solution is now easily accessible on six continents, with 13 total partnerships spanning eight countries.

"Our primary goal has always been to serve as a resource for utilities working to conserve water in their networks.

Unfortunately, the need to do so is escalating at a much faster pace than ever anticipated by our scientific community

As water sources become more and more limited due to environmental causes, such as climate change, we hope our technology will help community leaders recognize that some water loss is within our control.

Syrinix technology can make that identification process easy, which is exactly what WRP and TEKSU have decades of experience doing.

We are grateful for their partnership and look forward to helping others where it matters most"

James Dunning CEO Syrinix

Though separated by more than 10,000 miles, WRP Consulting Engineers in Pretoria, South Africa and TEKSU in Istanbul, Turkey were both formed with the same objective: water loss management.


WRP was formed in 1998 and is globally recognized as a leader in the fields of water resources planning and water conservation, including non-revenue water reduction.

The firm offers a full spectrum of services geared to water conservation management, including engineering, planning and design, technology training, and software development.

WRP will also serve neighbouring countries Botswana, Namibia, Eswatini and Lesotho.

TEKSU also provides a variety of services, from pipeline assessment and monitoring to modelling and analysis.

The company is able to take findings and offer solutions from a comprehensive product portfolio, which will include all Syrinix PIPEMINDER-ONE models effective immediately.

According to the World Resources Institute, South Africa and Turkey fall under medium-high and high baseline water stress levels.

It is forecasted that by 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population will be in similar scenarios. Syrinix technology helps these at-risk communities with proactive preparation for these unavoidable conditions, helping save as much of this precious resource as possible for future generations

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