Spurred on by social distancing requirements and the accelerated uptake in remote meetings etc, Syrinix is fully committing to this new world we are in.

We are giving up our UK "desk" office with everyone based there moving to work remotely.

We are retaining our workshop at Hethel Engineering Centre, with a small number of desks (and sanitising) there, and also our office in Henderson, Nevada, but this is certainly an exciting move with everyone already appreciating the time saved not commuting!

Syrinix Hethel Office

Syrinix Workshop

There will be challenges including replicating "water cooler" chats and maintaining communications outside of immediate teams. Already though colleagues are valuing the greater control they have of their own timetables. It is also proving very leveling and inclusive in communications with our colleagues across the Atlantic - if everyone is remote suddenly time differences make much less difference!

In terms of keeping everyone talking, we have scheduled company-wide meetings and monthly online "socials" and are implementing an online objectives platform to support alignment across the business.

With clear social distancing work stations in the Hethel Workshop, when guidelines permit they will have sporadic company from the now homeworking office team, with hot desks within the workshop and historic meeting room areas.

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