New partnership

Syrinix announces a brand new partnership with Madrid based Mejoras Energeticas, as the exclusive distributor for Spain and Portugal.

Mejoras is a team of water professionals, engineers, and technicians, delivering technological solutions to their clients’ networks.


“We are delighted to sign this agreement with Mejoras Engergeticas whose understanding of the necessity for monitoring and the impact of data in modern-day utility management is very much in line with our own thinking. We look forward to working together and extending our reach into Spain and Portugal.”
James Dunning, CEO, Syrinix

Expanding the reach of Syrinix

Syrinix, who already works with Madrid utility Canal d'Isabel are looking to Majoras to make further gains and introduce the complete Syrinix offering -

PIPEMINDER water/wastewater monitoring hardware, RADAR - a cloud-based network analysis platform - and ‘Syrinix Intelligence’ analysis and consultancy services.

“Syrinix fits well within our sales portfolio, with our aim to be at the forefront of offering new technologies. The Syrinix suite of products provide innovative solutions and will allow us to provide additional value-added services into our marketplace”.
Miguel Vázquez - Director General Grupo

More Syrinix News

Syrinix at ACE 22

Join Syrinix at the American Water Works Annual Conference and Exposition – AWWA ACE 22, in San Antonio this June

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