City of Galveston
Case Study – City of Galveston uses PIPEMINDER-ONE pressure monitors to revitalise its system and improve resilience
Yes, says Syrinix, and here's how we use it!
Syrinix uses machine learning techniques to extract actionable insights from rising main pressure data
To begin, Syrinix worked with one utility and manually studied behaviour patterns within the daily workings of the rising main.
These manual studies fed the development of an algorithm, where performance patterns could be scored and plotted within a calibrated 'zone' on a graph.
A score was attributed to the following performance outcomes -
Good pump/bad pump
Low static head
High static head
Low delivery pressure
High delivery pressure
Any behaviour that 'scored' outside of the calibrated 'zone', is immediately flagged to the utilty in the form of a 'burst alarm'.
In addition, pressure monitors were deployed at pump stations, and that data, containing burst and performance events, was also manually analysed to design algorithms.
This method has identified performance patterns, typical bursts, worn pumps, passing NRV's and blocked mains.
Case Study – City of Galveston uses PIPEMINDER-ONE pressure monitors to revitalise its system and improve resilience
Optimizing Pressure Transient Monitoring With Data-Driven Monitor Placement.
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