• Lockable security cover
  • Rechargeable battery pack
  • 4G network connectivity
  • 300psi pressure transducer
  • IP66 rated FCC certified
  • Fits to wet or dry barrel hydrants

Transient pressure monitoring informs decision making around daily operations, asset investment and aging infrastructure.

The latest development offering from Syrinix - PIPEMINDER-H is a fully integrated, hydrant mounted, 4G, smart pressure monitoring tool.

It provides water companies with a complete understanding of pressure distribution and transient activity on water networks.

Top down view of PIPEMINDER-H

Ease of deployment

PIPEMINDER-H fits directly onto wet or dry (charged) barrel hydrants and comes with its own lockable security cover.  

Installing PIPEMINDER-H with security lock

Multi faceted solution

The combination of this sophisticated monitoring device, RADAR and data interpretation via automated tools, provides a new level of clarity and appreciation of network events and risks to supply.

Using high resolution monitoring technology, PIPEMINDER-H detects network events that other systems of lower resolution simply would miss.

The capability to upload high resolution data for an interesting event for up to 30 days enables detailed analysis.

4G Connectivity

With an above ground deployment, PIPEMINDER-H experiences none of the issues with signal loss which can be associated with under lid devices.

Deeper analysis and insight

Using our S3 analysis methodology (see below) RADAR will alert network operators to unusual pressure events, allowing them to review and analyse the incident, and take the appropriate remedial action.

The Syrinix 'S3' severity score

Syrinix's S3 scoring system is a computed measure of pressure change over a certain time period.

Significant changes result in a high score, small changes over the period result in a lower score and continuously stable pressure score zero.

Tracking and profiling S3 for a particular site over time is an accurate measure of the pipeline’s transient activity and readily indicates if the activity level has increased, or if any mitigation work has been successful in reducing the score.

Rechargeable power

Internal rechargeable batteries are simple and easy to swop in and out of PIPEMINDER-H and full training would always be given by the Syrinix operations team.

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