Is your team over-stretched?

With water cited as an aging profession, many utilities face the loss of institutional wisdom with the retirement of lifelong water professionals.

Flexible, intuitive high-resolution remote monitoring from Syrinix delivers trusted additional expertise to support and strengthen a changing utility workforce.

Working alongside your team, we have a host of new analytical tools within our software platform RADAR, to provide a new level of detailed insights into network operation and behavior.

Syrinix workers training

How can Syrinix help?

RADAR, our cloud platform, collects, analyzes, and alerts on water network data from Syrinix PIPEMINDER pressure and flow loggers, water quality sensors, SCADA systems, and third party data loggers and data platforms.


Intuitive and Insightful

By combining multiple data types and sources from across your network, our analysis tools provide a new level of detailed insights into network operation and behavior.

These insights, alongside our smart, actionable alarms empower utilities to optimize, plan remedial works and innovate to reduce leakage and breaks, calm networks, and extend asset lifetimes.


Customer Example - Contra Costa Water District

In California, staff from Contra Costa Water District started observing unusual pressure fluctuations on their network in a specific (6 x 2 mile) area.

Following the implementation of two Syrinix high-resolution pressure monitors, data recorded over time showed signature pressure spikes, as typically happens when a hydrant is opened and closed rapidly.

After further investigation, video monitoring of the area revealed a rather shocking scene – tanker truck after tanker truck was lined up, accessing the hydrant, to fill their tanks with water.

Not all of this was suspicious activity, but in order to ascertain what was happening, internal investigations would involve significant time and manpower.  The utility asked Syrinix if a technology solution could help pinpoint the problem.

Syrinix recommended PIPEMINDER-H, its fully integrated and hydrant mounted, 4G, smart pressure monitoring tool, and CCWD installed five units.

PIPEMINDER-H on water hydrant
PIPEMINDER-H installed on hydrant

These new units, working together with the already installed PIPEMINDER-S devices, collectively send all their data to RADAR our cloud platform.

This data was sent through our triangulation algorithm tool in order to best predict the source location of the pressure anomaly.

The triangulation tool gives accurate guidance to the location of the source of the problem, meaning that time and resources are saved and the information from RADAR can be accessed from any location.

Remote monitoring from Syrinix allowed Contra Costa to confidently address the ongoing problem of unauthorized water usage and optimize the find time of doing so. Read the full story here

For more information about how Syrinix can support your changing workforce, contact us.


Map view of harmful events
Red flag depicts the location of the event

RADAR - analysis to support your workforce